My Bachelorette night is proudly planned by my BFF Lydia :*
She is real excited about it weeks before ( I think much more than me :p).

So I ended up driving down to Magnum, while squeezing 5 ladies in my cute car. We met up with the guys there, my Husband and his Bachelor's night party. Had a small game & we drank some beer to warm up the night.

Cabbed to Club Suite which is less than a minute on car -.-
My baobei Priscilla & Jessica Meow treated me to a drink there. & I felt drowsy already. Ok I know I sucks at drinking already.
We moved on to Zouk by cab & it was raining :/ Dashed across the rain, bumped into Xin Kai & Vincent there. Well, Singapore is really that small. So, Xin Kai sent a photo of us & reported to Husb, LOL.

-- Something unpleasant happened there & so Husb came together with BFF Jeremy.
We had to end the night early :( There's supposed to be one more place waiting for us & my night just end so abruptly.
I followed Husb to find his party of people at Gaga (couldn't rmb the place :/), together with my BFFs and Jessica. Jess came along too as the cliques are also there.
Before we leave Gaga, our company's GM Mohammed surprised us. I was walking towards the exit when I was pulled up stage, Husb was called up too. We then exchanged glasses of liquor. The singer then sang a song (Jin Tian Ni Yao Jia Gei Wo - I lazy to type chinese ok) dedicated to us.
After a crazy night, we went back to BP for KeKouMian @ 163. It isn't always that when I'm at BP the uncle's stall is open :>
Special thanks to all my great sisters for the wonderful night! Of course for staying throughout my wedding day without a single wink the night before :*
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