Sunday, November 3, 2013

Labour of my son ; Jarius Yeo

Here goes~ On the 27th Oct 2013, I had blood leaking for a few hours. Baby was excited and he brought me to eat dinner, fruit tarts @ fruit paradise and bought gong cha for me. HAHA~ Satisfying my stomach before going to hospital.

Reached TMC and was strapped on CTG which measures Baby's heartbeat and my contractions. Nurse helped me to check and I'm only 1.5cm dilated... So we decided to go home to have a rest and wait for the labour to progress~

Meet up with Sweetheart to Jalan Leban HK Cafe to chat & snack. Sent her back to BP and back to home with Baby. Both of us can't really fall asleep but Baby did finally about 3am plus? For me, I start to have some contractions, not too painful but enough to keep me awake throughout.

Next day... 28 Oct 2013

It's becoming super uncomfortable by 6am and I'm damn hungry... Woke Baby up, we had Mac Breakfast and headed to hospital again. Admitted and I'm still 1.5cm dilated ): Induced at 1030am as Dr. Paul advised. About 2pm Dr. Paul came & I'm still 1.5cm T.T He forced me to 2cm and broke my waterbag... The contractions became stronger & I guess bcos of the force I'm in so much pain I decided on Epidural as I know it the intensity of pain will increase.. Dr. Paul's brother, Dr. Philip came in to perform the Epidural process, lols. They look quite alike.

Hours passed, I'm still 2cm. I really feel super helpless as Baby is extremely tired too ): I get to fall asleep a few times for very short period. Sweetheart & Joanna wanted to sneak in the delivery ward to visit me but to no avail. Only my mother succeeded and she actually teared upon seeing me X.X Ohya, I kept vomit due to the Epidural & it's freaking awful.

At 3am the next day - 29 Oct 2013.

 Dr. Paul came in and I'm only 3cm dilated. I'm left with no choice but to enter the operating theatre )': Then he asked if I wanted to be put to sleep or just go in with Epidural, I decided to stay awake since I've already waited for more than 24 hours to see my little boy. Hehex. Baby kept insisting me to go to sleep though...

The nurses prepared me and wheeled me in to the operating theatre... Sigh, I swear my heart was pumping super hard I can feel it's gonna fly out anytime. It's my first operation and I'm gonna be WIDE AWAKE! Dr. Philip came in again to inject the anesthesia. Yea I made the choice but I kept asking if everything will be ok -.- Dr. Paul started without telling me because he knew I was freaked out already. I felt pressures as assured by them.

Then I started to feel pain at one point, Dr. Philip helped to add on more medications to make me numb. My fear intensifies and Baby kept telling me everything will be fine and stroked my forehead~ Finally then I asked Dr. Paul to continue, he then says he will pull the boy out like natural birth X.X Although I'm numbed but I can really feel something!

Suddenly my boy is out & Dr. Paul exclaimed, wow your baby is big! I was relieved while taking a look at the little boy. When my tears swelled up Dr. Paul continued and my tears disappeared. Haha! My stress came back as he stitched & clean me up...

A big boy (:

To be continued...

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